Enterprise Risk 2020: Are We Ready for Security 4.0?


G4S’ Rachelle Loyear points to several risk data points from ISACA’s recent State of Enterprise Risk Management survey, offers tactics to improve risk mitigation efforts and shares tips for learning from past industry trends.

If you keep tabs on trends in cybersecurity, you’ll have noticed a lot of stories in the last year or two focusing on the Industry 4.0 concept — the trend toward the automation and digitization of processes that have traditionally been done by humans. The big story in security news is, of course, that the rush to adopt automated approaches often misses one critical factor in the plan — cybersecurity — and now enterprises and security teams are scrambling to back-fill security holes that were not considered ahead of implementing the “next cool thing.”

Although the earliest adopters of the digitized Fourth Industrial Revolution were in manufacturing, the drive to digitize and automate is now ubiquitous — in everything from ordering a burger to checking into a hotel to calling your smart car to drive itself from its parking spot and pick you up (valet parking without the tip!). This is the vanguard of a trend that is not slowing down, but is heading directly for the security industry. Anyone who has been to an industry trade show recently can see this trend based on the…
