ENTREVESTOR: Beauceron raises $1.5M from NBIF, Mariner, others | Business


Beauceron Security, a Fredericton-based company that helps clients’ improve their cyber security culture, has closed a $1.5 million round of funding, led by the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation.

The other members of the funding round comprise a range of Atlantic Canadian funding bodies. Beauceron was named last month as one of nine start-ups selected from across the globe to participate in a prestigious London, U.K. accelerator program. NBIF released a statement announcing the funding Wednesday, stressing that Beauceron is gaining traction, doubling its client-base already in 2018.

Growing out of the University of New Brunswick, Beauceron has developed a cloud-based risk-management platform that monitors the human elements in cyber risk. In other words, it helps companies and organizations make sure their staff are doing the right things to ensure they are protected against cyber attacks.

“It has been a pleasure to work with dozens of clients across North America and now in Europe to help change the cyber security story for small, medium and enterprise-size businesses,” said co-founder and CEO David Shipley in the statement. “Now, we are…

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