Ethics Week celebrates UNG’s institutional values


Each year, the University System of Georgia (USG), through the leadership of Chancellor Steve Wrigley, highlights our ethical culture during Ethics Awareness Week, this year Nov. 11-17. In support of this effort, the University of North Georgia (UNG) plans to “Celebrate our Ethical Culture.”

The statewide SPIRIT of USG campaign is focused on Stewardship, Prevention, Integrity, Responsibility, Inspiration, and Trust. The awareness campaign is part of a comprehensive Ethics and Compliance Program, including ethics training, mandatory compliance training, assurance audits, consulting engagements, and an ethics and compliance reporting hotline.

“Our culture is very important to the success of not only our institutions, but our employees, students, communities and ultimately how Georgia is educated, which makes it very important to me, and hopefully to all of you as leaders for the USG,” USG Chancellor Steve Wrigley said.

The weeklong Ethics Awareness campaign is designed to remind those in the USG of shared ethical values and expectations, to include excellence, integrity, respect, and accountability.

To kick-off Ethics Awareness Week at UNG, the university held an Ethics Week luncheon for…
