EU to play major role at Global Platform in Mexico


Geneva, 25 April, 2017 – The EU Delegation, led by DG ECHO Commissioner Christos Stylianides, is set to play a major role at the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction next month in Cancun, Mexico.

The EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, Mr. Stylianides will deliver a statement on behalf of the EU and its Member States, and European Commission representatives will participate in the main sessions and side-events to present EU global efforts to reduce disaster risks.

The European Commission has developed a broad action plan to mainstream the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction into all areas of activity.

In Cancun we need to strengthen political commitment to disaster risk reduction and to ensure that all stakeholders agree on practical methods to guide implementation. What is important to us is to look at practical ways of implementing Sendai, said Mr. Thomas de Lannoy, Policy Officer for the European Commission, Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations ( DG ECHO).

Key departments within the European Commission meet regularly to look at the best ways of implementing the Sendai Framework and there is a particular…



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