Evaluations of the board and its governance


Ron Kral has shared an interesting article on Holding the Board Accountable through Evaluations. I agree with his opening statement:

I find it interesting that while there is no shortage of oversight scrutiny on management’s activities, the same cannot be said of the board’s activities. Perhaps this is due to the board being at the top of the oversight pyramid or the secrecy cloak often surrounding board communications. Regardless of the rationalizations for not formalizing an evaluation process, boards need to lead by example and demonstrate that they are holding themselves accountable, just like any other part of the organization.

He continues with:

Board evaluations are not just for big-public companies, but rather an important process consideration for all boards and committees regardless of size or industry. The board of directors and its committees serve as the foundation of corporate governance in providing oversight of management as led by the CEO. Governance is a process led by people and enabled by technology. Like any other process, it should periodically be evaluated relative to board and committee objectives. This means taking an objective and candid look at the process, the people, the technology, and ultimately the results.

His list of benefits from a robust evaluation is extensive – as it…
