Event: Integrated IT Governance – Gaining a Competitive Edge


Chief Technology Officers

Chief Information Officers

IT Governance Heads

IT Compliance Heads

IT Audit Heads

●     Data Breach

●      Governance, Risk and Compliance

●      Information System Risk Management

●      Managing Regulatory Requirements

We have seen decision makers
dismiss data governance work during (the) project implementation phase,
assuming it can be saved for later. This is precisely the type of thinking that
leads to a lack of data governance and the entry of cyberattacks

– Mr Ng Hoo Ming, Deputy Chief Executive of Operations, Cyber
Security Agency Singapore

 Today’s organisations
are struggling to deal with the governance impact of digital disruption. Any digital footprint can be tracked, and
inevitably bad practice and poor governance inevitably escalates to the surface
with brand-destroying potential. Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) issues form the proverbial
thorn in the elephant’s foot, and it’s going to take more than a mouse to get
it out.

 Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)
work hand in hand. In Information Technology, the way data and technology…

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