Executives need to learn more about security to combat cyber threats > CEOWORLD magazine


When C-level professionals don’t know nearly enough about common security threats, the whole company is at risk.

This many years into the digital era, it’s not exactly news that technology security isn’t only a technology concern—it’s an employee issue, a companywide focus, a boardroom priority. That last one is particularly important. It should be safe to assume that given the budget outlays involved (and the potential threats to the infrastructure) every C-level executive is at least well aware of the value in IT, and remains cognizant of the dangers. Or not.

A pair of recent Nominet studies surveying C-Level executives goes past the data sets, innovation and automation to examine a more neglected constituency: the people, those launching attacks and those responsible for stopping them. In this context, the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) makes for a perfect prism. This is a dynamic role that balances technology with business, people with processes, budget allocations with bottom-line concerns, and advocacy with diplomacy. Perhaps, most importantly, it illustrates the executive suite’s familiarity with the technology threat matrix. Or, to put it more…

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