Experts weigh in on cybersecurity predictions for 2020


The growing crescendo of cybersecurity threats continued to grab headlines this past year and the prospects for even more disturbing news seem likely as we move into 2020, so says a panel of cyber experts that provided SIW insights into what they see as their top predictions for risk in the new year.

The ever-evolving cyber threat landscape continues to grow as more cloud applications are added, the IoT universe expands with myriad more devices and data stockpiles explode. How organizations and their security staffs manage this increased risk often depends on their strategic approach to creating a proactive plan of attack instead of counting on a reactive response once an incident has occurred. Avoiding the security blind spots while maintaining cyber vigilance is a challenge most CSOs can appreciate.

So, what do our cyber experts predict for the future of 2020 in the cybersecurity ecosystem? While the potential threats headed into the new year seem endless, our experts narrowed their list down to what they consider the Top Six Cyber Threats of 2020.

The IoT Universe is Under Attack

“We will see an increase in attacks on IoT devices, including smart home devices, home…

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