Extended Threat Intelligence: A new approach to old school threat intelligence


The world is shaken by different new crises and cyber events every day. All sectors are affected by the events, either in terms of production, transportation, or security. The intensity and impact of cyber-attacks across all sectors keep rising daily. Traditional threat intelligence solutions are not enough. Therefore, new solutions such as Extended Threat Intelligence are needed.

In 2021, ransomware gangs alone made at least $590 million in profits, according to U.S. Treasury Department. As threat actors leverage more targeted tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) to successfully exploit vulnerable systems, security teams are increasingly looking for laser-focused solutions that would alert them with early-warning signals of cyber threats.

However, isolated cybersecurity services like those involving one-dimensional technologies, are neither sufficient to detect ransomware threats beforehand nor are they effective for industries. In fact, Gartner says in a report published last month that the intersection of many use cases of cybersecurity is confusing for industry actors who do not know which service to prioritize against threats.

But there’s no need to be…

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