EYRA Group and Board of Cyber Partner to Enhance Cyber-Security for Swiss Companies


[Switzerland] In an effort to bolster cyber-security for Swiss businesses, EYRA Group and Board of Cyber have formed a partnership. The agreement provides Swiss companies with a continuous notation system to score their cyber performance.

EYRA Group specializes in managed cloud services for both private and public sectors, cyber-security, and the protection of personal data. Board of Cyber, a French company specializing in cyber risk management, will provide their Security Rating® solution as part of EYRA Group’s services. This SaaS solution is automated, fast, and non-intrusive, allowing clients to continuously evaluate cyber-risks to their organizations and suppliers, and improve their performance in terms of cyber-security.

EYRA Group offers a range of IT services in five areas, including IT transformation projects, Adaptive SwissCloud solutions, and cybersecurity. The partnership with Board of Cyber strengthens EYRA Group’s “Cybersecurity Assessment Solutions” and audit and awareness services, allowing clients to address major cyber issues, from anticipation to recovery, and create a trustworthy environment.

With over ten years of experience, EYRA Group…

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