Federal government launches cybersecurity certification program for SMBs


The federal government on Monday launched the long-awaited cybersecurity certification for small and mid-sized businesses in hopes of increasing the attention SMBs pay to cybersecurity as well as increasing the confidence of online shoppers who buy from Canadian sites.

The CyberSecure Canada program allows organizations to prove to a certification body approved by the Standards Council of Canada that they meet certain minimum standards. Those that pass are entitled to use a logo on websites and promotional material attesting that they have met the standard.

Image of a locked padlock with the words'CyberSecure Canada 2019'. A watermark with the word'Example' is across the image.
Companies that meet the new security standards are entitled to use this logo on websites and promotional material attesting that they have met the standard.

The program is tailored specifically for SMBs (up to 499 employees) because they have fewer IT resources, and they account for a significant number of data breaches. According to StaySafeOnline.org, which is overseen by Public Saftey Canada, 71 per cent of data breaches happen to small businesses. It figures nearly half of all Canadian small businesses have been the victim of a cyberattack.

Finance minister Bill Morneau made the announcement in Fredericton at the University…

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