FERMA just named RISK AWARENESS WEEK the Training & Education Programme of the Year. Join 20 000 risk managers from 120 countries at RAW2024. RISK-ACADEMY Blog


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The Federation of European Risk Management Associations (FERMA) has named RISK AWARENESS WEEK – largest virtual risk education platform the Training & Education Programme of the Year. This prestigious award recognizes the event’s outstanding contribution to raising risk management awareness among organizations globally.

FERMA’s recognition is a testament to its profound impact on the risk and decision-making community. This award acknowledges RAW’s role in transforming how professionals approach risk management, emphasizing the integration of risk analysis into decision-making processes across various business functions, from strategic planning to day-to-day operations.

A heartfelt thank you goes out to over 20,000 risk managers from 120 countries, alongside numerous large companies and non-profits, for choosing RAW as their platform of choice for risk education. Your participation and commitment have been instrumental in making RAW a global hub for learning and collaboration.

The learning never stops, most previous RAW workshops are now completely free on our YouTube channel (recently awarded the YouTube silver button):

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Special thanks are also due to our amazing speakers who have supported RAW across its six-year journey. Sam S. Norman Marks Doug Hubbard Grant Purdy Brian Putt Hans Læssøe participated six years in a row in every RAW ever made. WOW! Prof. Diana Derval 👾 Benoit Ladouceur Graeme Keith and our late friend David Vose are also members of the 5-times club!! Your expertise and desire to share knowledge have been pivotal in raising global risk awareness. Without you and every other speaker who joined since, RAW would not be possible, literally.

Huge thank you to The DCRO Institute StrategicRISK Society of Decision Professionals (SDP) RMIA – Risk Management Institute of Australasia Global Risk Community RiskNZ for supporting RAW over the years

As a final call to action, I would like to encourage organizations to align with October’s RISK AWARENESS WEEK by hosting their own awareness and educational campaigns, fostering a culture of informed decision-making throughout their teams. Risk management is not about managing risks, it’s about making better risk-informed choices and decisions.

Congratulations to all the FERMA winners, I hope you had as much fun in London as I did https://www.commercialriskonline.com/ragozyte-wins-european-risk-manager-of-the-year/

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