Fifth-generation cyberattacks are here. How can the IT industry adapt?


• Cyberattacks are continuing to grow in sophistication and scale.

• The coronavirus pandemic has increased the attack surface for cybercriminals, leading to a possible cyber-pandemic.

• Healthcare is one industry that has been particularly exposed.

If you look back at early 2020 “new year predictions”, you will find nowhere a reference to an unprecedented global pandemic that will shut down, in many ways, the way we live and begin a new normal.

But it happened. And with the new normal came “new everything”.

With the rapid shift to more cloud servers, the popularity of network-connected smartphones, in addition to the shift to remote work, organizations had to quickly adapt their security measures to make sure they are secured at all times, from any remote places they might connect from. This has now become the new security perimeter.

The new landscape has generated a surge of sophisticated fifth-generation cyberattacks. As organizations adapted to remote work, and all its digital implications, cyber-criminals seized the global crisis to launch a series of large-scale cyber exploits.

The era of ‘weapons-grade’…

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