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The SEC says Nancy Sumption will serve as Chairman Jay Clayton’s senior advisor for cybersecurity policy.

Sumption will coordinate efforts across the SEC to address cybersecurity policy, engage with external stakeholders on matters related to cybersecurity, and help enhance the SEC’s mechanisms for assessing and responding to cyber-related risks, the regulator says.

She succeeds Kevin Zerrusen who recently returned to the private sector.

The SEC says Sumption brings to her role nearly three decades of legal, policy, operations and executive risk management experience in both the national security and corporate sectors.

Her prior public service includes more two decades in the U.S. intelligence community, the Department of Justice, and as an officer and staff judge advocate in the U.S. Air Force, the SEC says. After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, she led several reform initiatives in the areas of information sharing, cybersecurity, international data protection, privacy, and data governance, the SEC adds.

Upon leaving government service, she held positions in cybersecurity, information governance, and privacy in the healthcare and finance sectors and at the MITRE Corp.,…

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