Financial Market Regulators, Supporting Growth of Risk Management in Nigeria


April 05, 2022 / 11:30 AM / by Ottoabasi Abasiekong for WebTV / Header Image
Credit: WebTV


The growth of the risk management industry in Nigeria results from the
support it has received from key financial and capital market regulators in the

Mr. Joachim Adenusi, the Founding Partner and Chief Executive Officer
Conrad Clark Nigeria Ltd., disclosed this while providing his perspective on
the “Role of Risk Management in The Development of Nigeria’s Financial


According to him, regulators like the Securities and Exchange
Commission, SEC, and the Central Bank of Nigeria have reinforced the need to
value risk management.


He said governance remains at the core of risk management in the
financial, capital market and all other sectors of the economy. Speaking
further, he said there was a need for a re-orientation on Risk management, as it
is about the control mechanism and value creation for organizations and


He called on the Risk Management industry in Nigeria to embrace
innovation and creativity, leading to profitability for companies. The risk
management expert also called for the development of new products…

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