First Person: Putting a Cyber Defense Plan in Place


AD: The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and cloud technology are expected to further transform and optimize industrial operations of manufacturers. Can you explain the current cyber threat situation for those companies?

Morris: Many IIoT devices were built with a specific function in mind at a time when security wasn’t a high priority. As more and more devices connect to the Internet, organizations’ cyber-attack surfaces have grown, and now span all of their critical business areas. As industrial, manufacturing, or other organizations look to defend against cyber threats, they need to begin inventorying and monitoring all of their connected assets, including information technology (IT), operational technology (OT), Internet of things (IoT), and industrial Internet of things (IIoT). Since cyber adversaries will take advantage of any organization’s security blind spots, organizations would be wise to build visibility across all of their tech assets.

AD: What data is most attractive to cyber thieves and why?

Morris: While motives vary by different cyber adversarial groups (e.g., cyber criminals, hacktivists, and nation-states), it’s…

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