Flood-management survey for East Sussex opens


The Environment Agency, in partnership with Eastbourne Borough Council, has launched an online survey and virtual exhibition. This is to get feedback from the communities about the proposed options for the first phase of the Pevensey Bay to Eastbourne Coastal Management Scheme.  

As well as the survey and virtual exhibition, 6 public events are being held throughout November and December for communities to get in-depth information and give their feedback face-to-face. There will also be an online interactive question-and-answers session with members of the project team.   

The Pevensey Bay to Eastbourne Flood Management Scheme will be one of the largest coastal flood risk schemes in the country, using innovative and creative solutions to maximise economic, environmental, and social opportunities to deliver multiple benefits over the next 100 years.  

 Nick Gray, the Environment Agency’s flood-risk manager for East Sussex, said: 

We want to encourage as many people as possible to give their feedback on our proposed options to manage the 15km stretch of coastline between Pevensey Bay and Eastbourne over the next ten years.  

We’ll be asking for feedback about how to…
