Kieran Upadrasta keeps social service above everything else.
By profession Kieran Upadrasta is a cyber security architect and consultant with over 25 years of experience in business analysis, consulting, technical security strategy, architecture, governance, security analysis, threat assessments, and risk management.
Outside of the world of tech, Kieran Upadrasta has touched so many lives with his social service backed by his kind heart and selfless attitude. Kieran Upadrasta is committed to helping poorer of the poor and homeless people.
Finding time from his busy schedule, Kieran Upadrasta works selflessly to help vulnerable people. Especially those who are struggling due to old age. That is why he regularly visits various Old Age homes to meet Old People and fulfill their needs to the best of his capacity.
With a social consciousness, Kieran Upadrasta does random acts of mindedness, helping strangers in need.
As a social activist, Kieran Upadrasta supports several causes that can help uplift society as a whole.
Talking to the media, Kieran Upadrasta said “My mind is for technology, but my heart is for society. I cannot see the suffering of people. So whenever…