Food Defense Is All About Protecting Yourself: Part 1


FSM eDigest |

March 17, 2020

Food Defense Is All About Protecting Yourself: Part 1

By Robert A. Norton, Ph.D.

As I have mentioned in previous articles, my research interests range from civilian security to military/national security matters. Food defense is never far from my thoughts, because every military operation depends on logistics, which includes the delivery of food and water supplies to the warfighter.

In protracted conflicts, he who controls food and water on the battlefield ultimately prevails. Food has been a weapon of war since mankind first started throwing rocks at each other. In nation-to-nation conflict, your company will be at the front lines, since your operations are critical to the welfare of both the warfighter and civilians at home. The enemy must defeat both to prevail.

In a recent series, I explored food and agriculture as domains of war. The gist of the articles was that since agriculture and food are critical infrastructures (CIs), they—like other CIs—will be targeted by adversarial…

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