Foreign signals intelligence: How does The Australian Signals Directorate defend Australia from global threats?


The Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) aims to defend Australia from global threats through the provision of foreign signals intelligence, cyber security and offensive cyber operations, as directed by Government.

ASD provides the Australian Government with intelligence and cyber security expertise, policy and advice that protects our national security and sovereignty, and practical support that informs law enforcement and military operations.

In its 2019-2020 Corporate Plan, ASD provides insight into its functions, strategic plans, operating context and oversight framework.


ASD operates under the Intelligence Services Act 2001, which specifies that its functions are to:

  • collect and communicate foreign signals intelligence;
  • prevent and disrupt offshore cyber enabled crime;
  • provide cyber security advice and assistance to Australian governments, businesses and individuals;
  • support military operations;
  • assist the national security community in the performance of its functions

Strategic Plan and Objectives

ASD has set 5 key strategic objectives for the duration of its corporate plan, which will help it to fulfil its purpose and achieve its vision of being a…

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