Forewarned is Forearmed: Boost Your Cyber Defenses with Threat Hunting


Intrusion detection, incident response, and digital forensics – these are all essential stages of managing a cyberattack. While different in nature, they all share one thing: they come after an attack has breached your systems.

Unfortunately, few companies have the luxury of damage mitigation. In fact, it is believed that no less than 1 in 8 companies goes out of business because of data breaches. And even if small and medium enterprises are hit worst, large companies often face hundreds of millions in breach-related payouts.

Worse still, the surge in remote work and remote systems management caused by the Covid-19 outbreak has brought an increase in ransomware and phishing attacks. Your company now faces the immense challenge of having multiple access points, geographically scattered and with different levels of protection.

But can’t endpoint and network security provide a line of defense? They can, but only against regular malware and non-targeted attacks. In other words, these solutions can only protect you against known attack vectors, and not so much against Advanced Persistent Threats and other well-cloaked dangers. In fact, APTs have become so prevalent that they are…

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