Former FBI Cybersecurity Division Official Howard Marshall Joins Accenture Security | Business & Finance


ARLINGTON, Va.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Jul 24, 2018–Accenture (NYSE: ACN) today announced Howard Marshall has joined the company as the new intelligence director for its cyber threat intelligence services. A recognized cybersecurity expert and strategist, Marshall has served in various leadership positions throughout his more than 20-year career with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Howard Marshall, global Intelligence lead, Accenture Security cyber threat intelligence services. (Photo: Business Wire)

In his new role, Marshall will lead Accenture’s iDefense threat intelligence operations and direct a team of highly skilled cybersecurity specialists, who provide deep research and analysis on threat actors, industry vertical specific threats, new malware variants, software vulnerabilities and emerging targeted cyberattacks. This focused analysis is delivered by Accenture Security’s IntelGraph platform, which provides clients with contextualized and actionable security intelligence.

“As cybercrime becomes more organized, profit-driven and transnational, organizations must move…

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