Former Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff will be speaking at the 2018 Cyber Risk Forum on April 16, 2018 in San Francisco. Hosted alongside RSA® Conference, Corporate Board Member and Chief Executive are presenting the 3rd annual Cyber Risk Forum to provide CEOs and board members with the opportunity to explore emerging trends, prevalent threats and strategic opportunities surrounding cybersecurity. Click here to register.
In part 1 of our 2-part interview, Chief Executive caught up with Chertoff to talk about cyber threats and what business leaders should be focusing on in cybersecurity.
Q: What are the cyber threats you’re seeing right now that CEOs and board directors should be aware of that they are likely not aware of? What’s worrying you that should be worrying them?
A: Among the growing list of cybersecurity threats to corporations and citizens is the worry that nation states could be compiling dossiers of Americans for intelligence purposes. A series of major thefts of personal data — not intellectual property — over recent years could suggest…