Fragile Cybersecurity Receiving Knocks from Unexpected Quarters


It’s not an overstatement to say that cyber-criminals are on the prowl, bidding for the smallest opening to launch waves of attacks.
Some 60% of European retailers claimed to have seen an increase in fraud from 2017 to 2018, according to a report from Adyen last November, and the fact that 60% of small businesses will close within six months of a major cyber-attack is not a nice pill to swallow.
It’s an open secret that agencies responsible for protecting our physical infrastructure at the local, state, and federal levels aren’t spending nearly enough on global cybersecurity. Many CIOs at various levels of governments around the world are equivocal in their expectation of an increase in cybersecurity spending in 2019.
According to research from Gartner, Alia Mendonsa, co-author of the report says, “Security is really fundamental to the delivery of digital services overall, and government’s greatest asset is data. As the stewards of the public’s data, they really need to do everything in their ability to retain that trust.”
What do we have? The US two-week shutdown almost threw the spanner in the works. The shutdown has been touted the longest in the United States…

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