Fusion Cyber, CBDA and Denmark Tech team up to diversify cybersecurity | Education


DENMARK — Fusion Cyber and the Capital Business Development Association, through a multimillion-dollar corporate donation, created 100 scholarships for adult learners and graduates of Denmark Technical College. The establishment of Cyber Bridge Scholarships to High-Paying Jobs is a fully funded $2.5 million HBCU scholarship fund to promote diversity in the cybersecurity industry.

Fusion Cyber is a cybersecurity education, services company and cyber talent agency based in Washington, D.C. It helps students learn, network and build their skills with virtual cyber security risk management framework training for the newly founded program. One of Fusion Cyber’s goals is to help fill the 718,000 open cyber positions across the United States.

The 10-month program, designed by industry experts, will help candidates prepare for the three industry certification exams. The course covers all eight areas of  the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology RMF.

“So far this year we have recruited dozens of students,…

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