Gartner: Cloud Concentration Rising on List of Risks


The risk associated with dependence on a particular cloud provider for multiple business capabilities is in the top five emerging risks for organizations for the second consecutive quarter, according to a Gartner survey of risk executives.

More than half of the 294 executives who were asked about their emerging or over-the-horizon risks listed cloud concentration as being among their top five risks, behind generative AI availability, evolving sociopolitical expectations and third-party viability, according to Gartner’s report.

“The risk associated with cloud concentration is fast losing its ‘emerging’ status as it is becoming a widely recognized risk for most enterprises,” said Ran Xu, director of research in the Gartner legal risk and compliance practice. “Many organizations are now in a position where they would face severe disruption in the event of the failure of a single provider.”

Widespread outages of cloud services are becoming increasingly common, with a two-hour outage of Amazon’s AWS service affecting companies across multiple sectors, including media, retail and food services just a couple of months before Gartner’s survey was finalized.

Emerging risks by frequency, Q3 2023, Gartner…
