Gen-3 Cybersecurity: Solutions Built For The Modern User


The cybersecurity market began with long sales cycles, difficult-to-deploy solutions, and unfriendly user experiences. Then next-gen players introduced AI, automation, and cloud-native solutions. Today, a modern approach built around ease of use, open APIs and integrations, and intuitive workflows defines Gen-3 cybersecurity, says Kunal Agarwal, founder of

Enterprise cybersecurity revolves around solutions – how can a company protect itself from attackers and solve use cases that afflict them? From detecting if malware has already taken over an endpoint, preventing web access to malicious websites or personal Gmail, to enforcing single sign-on, cybersecurity has a set of must-have controls for any organization.

One constant through the last decades is that implementing cybersecurity has been a bit of a pain – it’s labor intensive, requires tool-specific training, and always involves vendor back & forth. This is the Gen 1 of cybersecurity, with on-prem solutions requiring almost a Ph.D. in the product to get it up and running. The must-have products had to be sold with professional services as time passed. They almost always…

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