Google stops biggest-ever DDoS cyber attack to date, IT News, ET CIO

New Delhi, The cyber security threats such as distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) are growing exponentially, disrupting businesses of all sizes globally, leading to outages and loss of user trust, Google has said.

The tech giant revealed that its infrastructure absorbed a massive 2.5Tbps DDoS in September 2017, the highest-bandwidth attack reported to date which was the culmination of a six-month campaign that utilised multiple methods of attack.

“Despite simultaneously targeting thousands of our IPs, presumably in hopes of slipping past automated defenses, the attack had no impact,” Google said in a statement on Friday.

The attacker used several networks to spoof 167 Mbps (millions of packets per second) to 180,000 exposed CLDAP, DNS, and SMTP servers, which would then send large responses to Google.

“This demonstrates the volumes a well-resourced attacker can achieve: This was four times larger than the record-breaking 623 Gbps attack from the Mirai botnet a year earlier. It remains the highest-bandwidth attack reported to date, leading to reduced confidence in the extrapolation,” the company informed.

With a DDoS attack, an adversary hopes to disrupt their victim’s service…

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