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Home Cyber Risks Government’s finally getting its own cybersecurity in order

Government’s finally getting its own cybersecurity in order

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Welcome to The Cybersecurity 202! “The Kids in the Hall” were highly formative to my teenage years, so I was wary of the reboot. But I’m glad — and a little shocked — to say they’ve really pulled it off. I highly recommend it. 

Below: All eyes are on the trial of a cybersecurity lawyer in a key case for former president Donald Trump’s claims the FBI unfairly targeted him, and another service was sharing data that might identify women who’ve had abortions. 

The top cyber agency touts major steps forward

The federal government’s top cyber agency is finally getting the tools it needs to spot and thwart hacking threats in real time. 

During the past year, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has deployed or updated a suite of monitoring tools that — essentially for the first time ever — give the agency broad visibility into hacking threats across most of the civilian government.

CISA says it has also expanded its authority to force agencies to fix digital vulnerabilities before hackers from Russia and elsewhere can exploit them. 

“This really is the first time that CISA and federal agencies have had…

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