GP2022 Ignite Stage: Human capacity building that supports community disaster management by Sendai City


On 27 May 2022, the City of Sendai shared its disaster risk reduction initiatives at the Ignite Stage during the Global Platform 2022 with a presentation titled Human capacity building that supports community disaster management.

Following the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, the City of Sendai has pursued disaster resilient and environmentally friendly development underpinned by principles of self-help, mutual aid and public assistance. Eleven years after the disaster, the City of Sendai continues to promote disaster preparedness and resilience through various capacity building activities that cover the whole of society, including the elderly, people with disabilities, private sector, women, and youth.

Ms. Michiru Takahashi presents four of these capacity building programs at the Ignite Stage, namely: Seminars of the Sendai Framework for DRR for citizens in Sendai City, Sendai Symposium for Disaster Risk Reduction and the Future, Promotion of DRR Education for children, Developing Sendai City Community Bosai Leaders, and Initiatives for DRR that make use of the characteristics of the region. Sendai City has three published voluntary commitments in the SFVC platform so far.

The Sendai…
