A World Tour of Great Structures
Great Structures in History & Compliance
What’s in this whitepaper from Tom Fox:
In this in-depth history lesson, Tom Fox explores what some of the most recognizable sites and landmarks throughout history have in common with anti-corruption compliance programs.
Among Fox’s insights is this gem regarding the Roman arch and the ever-difficult task of digging for compliance program resources:
“I wanted to use the dual-load system whereby an arch supports not only great weight but also esthetic engineering designs to discuss how a CCO or compliance practitioner might develop resources to implement a best practice anti-corruption compliance program under the FCPA, UK Bribery Act or other anti-bribery law. Funding a compliance program is always one of the biggest challenges. Short of being in the middle of a worldwide FCPA, UK Bribery Act or other anti-corruption investigation, you are never going to receive all the funding you want or even think that you are going to need.”
Get your passport stamped and explore the intersection of structural engineering and compliance.