Group-IB Threat Intelligence & Attribution Can Deliver an ROI of 339%


SINGAPORE, Sept. 17, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Group-IB, one of the leading providers of solutions dedicated to detecting and preventing cyberattacks, identifying online fraud, investigation of high-tech crimes and intellectual property protection, has today revealed a new study “The Total Economic Impact™ of Group-IB Threat Intelligence & Attribution” carried out by Forrester Consulting, part of an independent research and advisory firm. Based on extensive stakeholder and customer interviews along with financial modelling, Forrester consultants established that organizations using Group-IB Threat Intelligence & Attribution (TI&A) can realize a three-year ROI of 339% with a payback period of less than 6 months. Additionally, the study identified numerous unquantifiable benefits of Group-IB TI&A such as better visibility into digital security threats and improved decision-making about the organization’s security posture.

The new Forrester Total Economic Impact study, commissioned by Group-IB, acknowledged that organizations of all sizes and types are struggling to protect…

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