Growing cyber market presents both opportunities and risks, reports PwC


PwC has reported that although cyber re/insurance remains a rapidly growing, fertile sector for re/insurers, there are also significant risks and downside potential to writing this business, such as limitations in historical data and uncertainties in accumulation risk.

cyber-securityCompanies are becoming increasingly aware of potential cyber threats and associated risk mitigation and cyber security techniques, largely due to high-profile cyber-attacks over the last year, which have become increasingly sophisticated and aggressive.

The current U.S standalone cyber re/insurance market is estimated at around $2.5 – $3.5 billion annually, and, if the current climate persists, is expected to grow by another $2 billion per year over the next three years.

In a recent survey of specialist writers active in the cyber markets, PwC also found that over 75% of companies are currently transferring risk to reinsurers to manage the growth of their cyber exposures.

The cyber market has also seen an influx of new entrants due to market-wide favourable combined ultimate loss ratios, which has created additional capacity and led to a softening market, in which PwC has observed increasing overall…

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