Hackers Also Have Financial Reporting And Quotas :)


“Chief Hacking Officer: Yevi, where are you at with London bank hack?”

“Yevi, I think we are okay; we should have something by Friday.”

“Chief Hacking Officer: What? You committed that hack two weeks ago!”

“Yevi, yea, well, I hope it will be okay. Security kinda tough get inside.”

“Chief Hacking Officer: When you should have never committed this hack.”

Dr. Yaniv Harel, SVP of Cyber Defense at Sygnia, was speaking at a conference on the future of cyber and fintech in Israel:

“We recognize an increase in the focus and effectiveness of attacks. Hackers today work in shifts and act as a business organization for all intents and purposes to bring ROI on their effort,” said Dr. Yaniv Harel, SVP Cyber Defense at Signia, speaking at a conference on the future of cyber and fintech in Israel.

Have global firms ever looked at the monthly losses cybercriminals and hackers endure? Did Gartner or Forrester consider doing an ROI or ROA from the cyber criminal’s perspective?

Our industry may be asking the wrong question. We should not be focused so much on the organization’s Return on investment or Return on asset around security spending; we should consider…

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