Harford County Looking For Audit Board Members


From Harford County:Harford County is seeking volunteers to serve on the Audit Advisory Board. The Advisory Board serves as an objective body to assist the County Council in fulfilling its oversight of the Office of the County Auditor. A core function of the Board is to validate the County Auditor’s risk assessment, strategy, and audit plan and seek assurance that action is taken where necessary. This “third set of eyes” can assist with ensuring the internal audit reports are understandable to the County Council, County management officials and the public. The Audit Advisory Board also ensures that internal audit recommendations are taken seriously and remediation is monitored to ensure effectiveness of local government operations.

The Advisory Board consists of eight members, including four at‐large Harford County citizens. Citizen members serve a four‐year term which is coterminous with the term of the County Council. Members are appointed by the County Council and may serve two full terms. The Board will meet at least 3 times per year; regular meeting attendance is important in maintaining the continuity and effectiveness of the board. Audit Advisory Board members serve…

