Has Your Company Chosen Its Cybersecurity Champions Yet? | FTI Consulting


[co-author: Matt McManus]*

Building a culture of cybersecurity through informal advocates and the new role of the “BISO” is a cost-effective strategy for tightening your cyber defenses.

Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) are buffeted from all sides today. With the expansion of remote workforces, technology upgrades seemingly on a daily basis, and brazen cyber actors ranging from teens on Twitter to state-sponsored hackers, the task of keeping company systems secure is like trying to stand still in a hurricane. Adding to the CISO’s concerns is the struggle to obtain budget and support requests from staff.

There’s a hack for that. Or rather, there’s a cost-effective strategy that, when employed, can improve cybersecurity throughout your organization organically. It calls for establishing and enhancing a culture in which all employees adhere to security best practices from top to bottom, simply because it is the right thing to do. The strategy’s success rests on building a human network within the organization through business information security officers (BISOs) and “security champions.”

Meet the Team

The BISO role is relatively new but is becoming…

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