Home Affairs eyes whole-of-government zero trust


Home Affairs eyes whole-of-government zero trust

The Department of Home Affairs outlines the foundations of its whole-of-government zero-trust commitment, as originally planned in the 2023-2023 Cyber Security Strategy.

In a consultation paper released last month titled Guiding Principles to Embed a Zero Trust Culture, the department laid out guiding principles for the uplift of current policies to ensure all departments and stakeholders are on the same page.

“The success of these initiatives, such as developing a whole-of-government zero-trust culture, relies on an aligned, collaborative approach with all impacted stakeholders,” the paper said, stressing the importance of collaboration with industry.

Home Affairs laid out five guiding principles in the paper:

Identify and manage cyber security risk at an enterprise level: Cyber risk and threats must be considered an enterprise-level concern. This means including it within the agency’s “broader risk management framework” and taking it into account during critical operation decisions.

Understand accountabilities and responsibilities at all levels: Strong accountability…

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