Hospital cyberattacks are the new pandemic; here’s the cure | JNS


In a ransomware attack, a piece of malicious software paralyzes your computer until you pay the demanded sum. It’s a scary situation that will cost you money and time.

When a ransomware attack hits a hospital, it can even cost lives: A recent lawsuit in Alabama alleges that a newborn’s death resulted from the crippling effects of a ransomware attack that took the hospital offline for eight days.

Ransomware attacks are a relatively easy way to milk money from victims. The larger the target, the more potential for big payouts. And these hackers don’t care who gets hurt.

“We were quite surprised because people thought that during COVID hackers would leave the healthcare vertical alone, but the reality is a 200 percent increase in such attacks during COVID. Criminals just want to make money,” said Leon Lerman, CEO and cofounder of four-year-old Israeli healthcare cybersecurity company Cynerio.

Healthcare under attack

“Healthcare is one of the industries most targeted by cyberattacks,” agreed Amir Magner, president and founder of

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