How automation can help solve security challenges

Jeffrey Wheatman, Research Director, Gartner

Security leaders are grappling with a number of challenges today but with more automation coming into cybersecurity, they are seeing some solutions to ease those challenges. Certain areas of cybersecurity are leveraging automation, AI and ML, and can detect threats on a scale that’s not possible for humans to do manually. Jeffrey Wheatman, Research Director, Gartner tells Brian Pereira of CISO MAG where automation in security is heading and how it can help solve the skills shortage problem or manage resilience risk.

How does automation address some of the areas that security leaders are struggling with today? How is automation technology for security evolving?

Security leaders are struggling in a number of areas. One, there’s a human capital problem. We do not have enough people with the right skillsets. The technology is also getting more complicated. This is where automation can help.

Secondly, there is too much background noise. We have too many sensors and agents and devices that are collecting data and I doubt if humans have the capability to parse through all of that noise and extract value. Human beings, by nature, are not great at identifying…

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