How Biden’s cyber strategy will impact low-resourced sectors like healthcare


The Biden administration’s cyber strategy, which focuses on shifting the responsibility from users to manufacturers, has been lauded as an important step forward. Any effort that embraces collaboration and works to better the current state of policy and tech gaps should indeed be viewed as a positive.

As the federal law takes shape, questions remain as to how entities struggling to meet basic security standards will stack up to the new rules. For healthcare entities, new guidance from the Department of Health and Human Services may help with the shift into NIST, at a minimum.

“Overall strong, [the strategy] is a comprehensive position with well-informed approaches, ideas, tactics and recommendations,” Carter Groome, First Health Advisory CEO told SC Media. “This will hopefully put more pressure on Congress to act, as national security, public trust, and patient safety should not be a partisan issue.”

Combined with the HHS/HSCC framework, it’s “a path to greater harmonization of standards across all sectors, supporting the recently published national cyber strategy,” he added. “I’m optimistic this flurry of activity will lead to statutory support and incentives…

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