How did we get here? Where and how do we go from here? RISK-ACADEMY Blog


Наши популярные онлайн курсы

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Риск-ориентированное управление. Самостоятельно

Курс направлен на развитие навыков риск-ориентированного мышления, которое позволяет выявлять, приоритезировать и моделировать влияние рисков на ключевые цели или решения организации.

25000 руб
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Риск-ориентированное управление. С преподавателем.

Крупнейшая в России программа онлайн-подготовки к двум сертификациям: национальной и международной G31000

45000 руб
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Количественная оценка рисков

Единственный в России и СНГ онлайн-курс по количественной оценке рисков и принятию решений.

33000 руб

The spread of viral disease (COVID-19) was the last snowflake that caused the avalanche of global proportion. The inter-relationship of nonfinancial risks resulted in the new reality that we are now living through. This session will examine the inter-relationships of global risks and trends that existed at the end of 2019, and will demonstrate how those risks and trends were impacted by the spread of viral disease that has effected the entire population, either directly or indirectly.

The session will:

Link business strategy and underlying strategic assumptions to a new set of nonfinancial risks for 2020.

Review how the Global Risks and Trends Framework (GRAFT) has helped organizations prepare of this epidemic, and implement their resiliency plans.

Provide a method for your CROs and Risk Managers to communicate the importance of nonfinancial risk to their Board and Senior management to ensure that your organizations strategy is aligned with your ERM framework, and is funded in a way to be prepared for the next storm on the horizon.

alex sidorenko

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Informed Risk Taking

Learn 15 practical steps on integrating risk management into decision making, business processes, organizational culture and other activities!



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ISO31000 Integrating Risk Management

Alex Sidorenko, known for his risk management blog, has created a 25-step program to integrate risk management into decision making, core business processes and the overall culture of the organization.



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Управление рисками

В этом коротком и очень увлекательном курсе, Алексей Сидоренко расскажет о причинах внедрения риск менеджмента, об особенностях принятия управленческих решений в ситуации неопределенности и изменениях в новом стандарте ИСО 31000:2018.
