How Does WFH Affect Cyber Insurance?


The start of a new year is always a good reminder to take some time to review key areas and assess whether changes are in order. There are many examples of this both personally and professionally, but a company’s insurance program is certainly one on the business side and cyber insurance is at the top of that list. As many employees continue to work remotely, and some may do so permanently, it is important to monitor how this trend affects cyber insurance. 

Cyber policies can insure against the destruction of, or loss of access to, computer networks, including response costs and other damages caused by cyberattacks and other intrusions. Like any other insurance policy, it is critically important for insureds to understand their rights and obligations under both the policy language and applicable law.

What is different for 2021 and beyond is the impact that work-from-home may have on the attestations many cyber policies require insureds to make about network security issues. These are generally fairly standard, and address issues such as encryption, backups, and…

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