How Hackers Attack Physical Security Systems — and How Integrators Can Help


SIA Cybersecurity Advisory Board members offer tips on how security integrators can help customers protect themselves against hackers.

Thanks to the Security Industry Association (SIA) Cybersecurity Advisory Board, we know about some of the common field implementation errors that can lead to the cyberhacking of a physical security system, but how exactly do the hackers attack such systems?

We asked these same experts that question to get a sense of what they’ve seen in the field.

Bruce Webbe of Meta’s security team said that, unfortunately, there’s not just one common attack vector to look for.

“I don’t know that there is a limit to the imagination of the attackers and their methods for attempting to gain access to these systems,” said Webbe. “There are many facets to which compromise can happen. Unfortunately, we need to guard against them all, which can seem a bit overwhelming at first.”

“The methods used by bad actors will be based on their goals and what has been found to be most successful: Are they attempting to gain access? Are they attempting to disrupt? Not knowing who they are and what their goals are makes it very difficult to anticipate what…

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