How Is Ethical Culture Part of an Overall Ethics and Compliance Assessment?


Companies leave a trail of breadcrumbs when they design and implement practices that lead to an ethical culture.  Jay Rosen explains how following that trail can be part of the monitoring process.

In this final part of my series on corporate culture, I will consider how ethical culture is a part of an overall ethics and compliance program assessment and how to go about it.  First, let’s begin with an exploration around the areas assessed to help determine if a company has an ethical culture. We need a framework for such an assessment, and it makes sense to start with the program itself. This involves a thorough review of the organization’s compliance program; what does it look like and does it meet the foundational tenants?

Is your training both focused and effective?

We should ask questions such as whether it is educational, does it have a process for detection, and is there some type of remediation when something is found. From this baseline we can consider what the company is doing for training to educate its staff and determine whether they’re really touching on the educational elements that their staff needs.  We want to know if it’s meaningful to them in their positions, so the next step it to talk to employees in the field.

Determine the alignment between the aspirations laid out in the…
