How leading cyber policies do more for clients


When it comes to cyber risks, clients need more help than ever before. Despite a growing awareness of cyber perils, more companies are being forced to count the costs of a breach after being successfully targeted by hackers.

The type of help and guidance that clients require differs for cyber compared to other types of insurance. Yes, most clients need to be educated on their risk level and then directed toward a policy that best suits their situation, just like when purchasing any other type of insurance. But, with cyber, clients need more comprehensive training and education because, unfortunately, policyholders need more than just a solid insurance policy in the event of a breach.

It’s for that very reason NAS Insurance provides its policyholders with a range of crucial risk management and support services.

“Our expert support services help all businesses become ‘cyber smart’ with tools like our cyber risk website, 24/7 support hotline, data secure email alerts, online training and support, and webinar presentations,” says Jeremy Barnett, senior vice president of marketing…

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