How Machine Identities Can Imperil Enterprise Security


Managing machine identities has never been more critical to an enterprise’s cybersecurity.

Machine identities now outnumber humans in enterprises, according to Nathanael Coffing, co-founder and CSO of Cloudentity. Without thorough visibility and proper management of machine-to-machine communications, all those machines can become a huge security issue.

Gartner’s list of the top security risks and trends for 2021 included machine identity management for the first time. This should come as no surprise. Coffing notes that the recently discovered ThroughTek Kalay vulnerability compromised 83 million IoT devices, which better machine identity management could have prevented.

“This security flaw would have been identified earlier if the organization had full visibility and control over every machine identity connected to their SDK,” Coffing said.

In a conversation with eSecurity Planet, Coffing explained why this area is such a concern and what enterprises can do in response.

Poor Machine Identity Management Introduces Risks

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