How Middle-Market Companies Can Reduce Cybersecurity Risks


In the past, middle-market companies thought they were too small to be the target of a cyberattack, but in recent years, that illusion has become increasingly difficult to maintain.

According to the 2019 Cybersecurity Special Report from RSM US, 15% of middle-market C-suite executives reported a data breach in the last year, an increase from 13% in 2018 and up 5 percentage points from four years ago.

Whether they’ve read about high-profile data breaches at largecap companies, such as Capital One and Equifax, or experienced an attack at their own company, executives are aware of the nightmare scenarios. Colin Zarbough, cybersecurity due diligence director at RSM, suggests it’s time to shift the focus of the conversation about cybersecurity. “I think there’s a real opportunity to educate businesses now, rather than just focus on war stories,” he says.

After consulting with hundreds of companies over his career, Zarbough has identified areas where middle- market companies leave themselves vulnerable.

Assessing Cybersecurity Posture

Many midsize companies have valuable data in the form of customer information and intellectual property but lack the resources of larger…

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