How much of a risk is ransomware?


I recently saw a couple of pieces from the UK government. One seems to make ransomware to be a huge issue, while the other does not.

A senior reported from ZdNet wrote an article, Ransomware is the biggest cyber threat to business. But most firms still aren’t ready for it. He said:

Ransomware is the most significant cybersecurity threat facing organisations ranging from critical national infrastructure providers and large enterprises to schools and local businesses – but it’s a threat that can be countered.

In a speech at the Chatham House Cyber 2021 Conference, Lindy Cameron, CEO of the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), warned about several cybersecurity threats facing the world today, including supply chain attacks, the threat of cyber espionage and cyber aggression by hostile nation states, and cybersecurity exploits and vulnerabilities being sold to whoever wants to buy them.

But it’s ransomware that is “the most immediate danger to UK businesses and most other organisations,” said Cameron, who warned that many businesses are leaving themselves vulnerable because “many have no incident response plans, or ever test their cyber defences”.

Now contrast that with other information from the UK government in their Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2021.

On the one hand, the frequency…


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