How organisations can protect against cyber risks


By Gerry Chng

SINGAPORE — Following the introduction of Singapore’s circuit breaker measures to curb the spread of COVID-19, the majority of the nation’s workforce is now working from home.

As more countries shift to remote working amid the pandemic, resulting in a surge in online activity, cyber criminals have been quick to seize the opportunity. In the US, the number of cyberattack reports has quadrupled compared to months before the pandemic, Tonya Ugoretz, Federal Bureau of Investigation Deputy Assistant Director shared in an online panel. 

Cyber threat actors across the spectrum — from government-backed groups to organised crime gangs — are using the public’s fear, uncertainty and curiosity about the pandemic to adapt their threat vectors, tactics and targeting strategies. These could include phishing, malicious sites, and business email compromises.

In addition to fighting against aggressive external attacks, organisations also need to deal with internal security weaknesses.  

Unlike a corporate environment, companies have limited control in securing the home environments of their employees who are working remotely. Security is highly dependent on an employee’s…

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