How safe are your internationally seconded colleagues? | theHRD


James Pothecary

Working Time Directive

A new report highlights the risks facing businesses with employees working and travelling abroad. Contributor James Pothecary, Regional Security Coordinator – Healix International.  

The report from Healix International, outlines the potential security risks in 2019 underlines the need for organisations sending workers abroad to employ a wide-ranging scope when it comes to risk assessment and mitigation. The range of risks now present for those working abroad is probably at its broadest for decades. Not only are there the usual risks of terrorism, but the insidious threat of cyber-crime can undermine employee security, even in countries otherwise thought to be ‘safe’. And, of course, there really isn’t any country that is ‘safe’ any more – indeed extremist groups appear to target the countries that were previously thought to be…

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